Tuesday 28 February 2012

Research analyses for Mz Bratts - Get dark

Mz Bratts - Get Dark

Within this shot , Mz Bratz is wearing short clothing in order to appeal to the male gaze , the audience of the video may be both male and female therefore having males enjoying what she is wearing may make them continue on watching the video. Females may inspire to be like this and watch her as well. This shows Ms Bratz wearing small clothing and spot lights around her which illustrate that the clothing she is wearing has made her the centre of attention. Also there is a long shot within the video which can result into giving a better view of what she is wearing to the audience , which also shows her to look like a video vixen . Also as this isnt a hollywood production , it could be another reason why the female isnt glamourised alot and shown in a darker and edger way.

This image of Mz Bratz shows her in a more dominating way rather than a video vixen , she is covered up and isn't wearing anything that reveals her flesh. She also looks mysterious in her sun glasses and doesn't want people to see how she really is like. There is a prop at the back , fire works, which makes her look like shes dangerous and violent which is an alternative representation of females as males are usually portrayed in this way.
This shot shows Mz Brats back to back with her producer , she is again covered up and isnt wearing any revealing clothing. This shot protrays how there is equallity within males and females within her music video and how females arent shown as the sex objects. Being back to back also protrays another sense of dominace and can appeal to the audience in a sense of both genders are being appealed to . The lighting of the shot also expresses how the female is shown more stronger and darker , for example Mz Bratz is shown to be wearing black and the side of her shot is quiet black , however the male in the shot is shown to be wearing a brighter colour and his side of the shot is lighter , which results to show that ms bratz is shown to be  more on the dark side . The male is gaining more light which expresses that males still have dominace and females should fade in at the back ground.
This shot shows the clothing of Mz Brats , even though she has worn clothing in many shots that doesnt depict her of being a video vixen and a sex object , she is looking like one here due to the shorts she is wearing which show her legs and sexualise her more.
This is a mid shot of her outfit to show what she is exactly wearing. Also the shot appeals to the male gaze as the men get a better look at what she is wearing.
This shot represents females in an alternative way as the lighting is darker and her make up is darker. Also her hair doesnt look quiet feminie . She looks rougher which shows an alternative representation of her within the music industrie.
Mz Bratz is covering her face with a hood , this shot expresses how she can still capitivate the attention of the audience by not showing her face. This explains how she isnt a video vixen and shown in the typical view of a sexualised female.

Mz Bratz has no lighting on her face , this expresses again how she isnt being sexualised within the music video as there would be no dark lighting as the main aim of the video
This music video portrays females in an edger fashion , inside of only being a video vixen the singer Ms brat shows how she can be a typical female and sex object however switch up here appearance and be hard as well. Firstly her clothing shows her in many ways. She is shown wearing revealing clothes eg shorts and dresses in order to show her sexier side yet has other sides of her which shows female dominance and independence. She shows she is a strong female and can still look sexy by wearing clothes.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Action Plan - Production-

As a group, me Nida, Mark and Shna are going to start filming from Monday 27/02/2012. We are going to be working on a music video. A music video that has inspired our music video and given us some ideas regarding our music video is Mz Bratts - Get Dark.

In the week starting 27/02/2012 we aim to film some of our production as we are planning to film as quick as possible in order to try and ensure we save more time to edit our music video very nicely.Our main star of the music video, playing the main role, challenging stereotypes of women in music videos is Nida. Shna will also be being filmed in the music video during the 3 choruses in the song.

In our music video we have decided we are going to need Nida to be dressed up in different costumes throughout, also Shna. We have also decided Mark's brother is going too be dancing in the music video as-well. Lighting we are going to be using as-well, we are planning to use white and black mostly throughout the music video. However we want some scenes with graffiti included. All these props, lighting etc stereotype a typical Hip Hop music video.